Sunday, October 21, 2012


Instagram is funny place where you can make connections with people solely based on a filtered snapshot posted semi-regularly. Chris' Instagram feed (@thehydeparker) caught my attention when I started following people posting Kansas City sights after I moved to Chicago. Coincidentally, Chris used to live in Chicago so it was like the old Parent Trap switcheroo, minus being twins separated at birth. Through his photos, I got to see a glimpse into this fantastic space Chris and his wife, Cristin, were building in their backyard a speakeasy of sorts with an old-style camping vibe, thus The Campground. I knew the next time I was in town, I had to see it for myself. And I did. They would say it's still a work in progress but I was in awe with how charming it already is. Oh, it should come as no surprise that their home was part of Kansas City's Hyde Park Homes Tour because these two have an eye for well-arranged interiors.

 The Campground