Monday, September 9, 2013

Soylent Green Dreams Forever

Going to Kansas City means two things: sleeping in my childhood room and visiting The Campground. On this end-of-Summer evening, Chris and Cristin invited me over for a little neighborhood picnic involving not one! but three pups. I also had the pleasure of trying out a Campground cocktail Chris calls 'Soylent Green' (an homage to the Sci-Fi film.) The celery and lime combination made for a damn good, slightly more savory and extremely refreshing, margarita vibe. Drinks like this make me vow to never imbibe another lousy Gin & Soda. That vow didn't last long when we took an impromptu trip to the Bottleneck in Lawrence. The night hilariously ended with us running out of gas halfway home but I expect nothing less than a memorable time with these two.


  1. Fabulous photos! It was so great to meet you. Let's do a neighbor hang out next time you're in town!
